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Stocktake Forms

Stocktake Forms for the use of counting stock can be printed as an aid to your stocktake.

The forms can appear in Stock Code or Stock Item Description order, can be grouped by Supplier/Department in conjunction with Attributes, and can include Indirect Items.

If required, you can select to show the current stock levels.


To print the stocktake forms, go to Stocktake > Stocktake Forms > Make your selection of the view you want, along with any added details to help your stocktake.

You can also select a range of items to count, if you are not performing a full stocktake, and depending on the items you need to count, you can include Indirect Items.



The Selection Range in Stocktake Forms includes support for Fast Lookup Textboxes.

Fast Lookup Textboxes enable a fast lookup to be performed in any of the fields shown in the Selection Range by simply entering either a numeric or text value.

As the value is entered, any records that match the value that has been entered so far will be displayed in a list and you may select the required option by either clicking on it or using your keyboard's arrow keys, then selecting the entry by pressing Tab or Enter.

This function allows records to be looked up either by their numerical value or description value, regardless of whether the field requires a Code or Description.

Once you select the required entry from the list, either the description or code will be entered into the field, depending on the field type.

E.g. When performing a lookup in a Code field, a Stock Item code can be entered into the Code field to display a list of items that contain or match the entered code.

A Stock Item Description can also be entered into the Code field and any items which match the entered description will be displayed.

Once an item is selected, its Code will be entered into the Code field, regardless of whether it was searched using the Description or Code.





The stocktake forms will print to your default A4 windows printer.